Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Soccer Game of Fall Season :-)

Today was the first soccer game for the boys and man was it hot.  Rianne decided not to play this year due to having all honor classes along with being in Advance Jazz and Girl Scouts.  She was asked to move to advance jazz because she would not benefit from being the the normal Jazz class.  I am proud of her for making that decision. 

Michael played really well.  NO ONE scored on him when he was in the goal.  He hustled, played agressive, and had a GREAT time.  Although, they did lose the game he had a blast out there. 
Punting it out!!

Barely got this one!

Drop kick

He did great!!!

Before game

Coach Sonya with him

Robert played great.  As many of you all know, Robert is an indoor kid.  He likes to play on Wii, XBox 360, DS or on the computer.  He didnt play any sports last year at all.  He wanted to take a year off.  So when he told me he wanted to play on Mrs. Sonya's team I was surprised but very glad.  I thought today by half time I would have tears, but there were none.  He did say that his legs hurt after the game, but he is looking forward to practice. 

Lining up for kick off

Running to the ball

Dribbling down field

Manning up!

I am very proud of both my boys today. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad they both played great and I got to watch Michael for a few minutes! It was HOT!!!
